One of our inspirational long term clients wrote a powerful testimony about her journey with Gateway4Women, she is happy for us to share it here to encourage others who may be a bit anxious about coming into a new environment as she once was.
My Story.
“I came very reluctantly to G4W two & a half years ago on the advice of my CPN to an Arts & Crafts group.
I was a frightened, anxious, insecure & lonely woman who had been confined to four walls for nearly 5 years following a nervous breakdown & numerous suicide attempts.
For the first 3 weeks I hated it! I didn’t want to be around other people but from the offset the staff & clients were so friendly & helpful. I forced myself every week to go back to the Arts & Crafts group & eventually I started to look forward to it & enjoy it.
After about 6 months I was offered a place on the BWBM course & that’s where my life changed. It was intense but I thrived on it. I realised I wasn’t worthless & a nobody but that I deserved to be alive & be a somebody! I came out of my shell & found myself offering to be a volunteer in the centre working behind reception & admin.
I’ve done this for the past two years & in March of this year I was offered part time employment as an Admin assistant. I have grown so much since joining G4W. I’m no longer insecure & anxious, I love going to work & I still volunteer. Without the team at G4W I know I wouldn’t be alive today. Hand on heart the centre, staff & clients saved my life.”